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1815 - N Gauge 150ft. Kit Modern Portal Bridge - N Scale

1815 - N Gauge 150ft. Kit Modern Portal Bridge - N Scale

Price: $32.95
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1815 - N Gauge 150ft. Kit Modern Portal Bridge - N Scale

A spectacular model with extra clearance to allow double stacked containers to pass through. The detail molded into this styrene kit will make this kit a center piece of any model display. Any modeler can now construct a steel bridge model in a few hours that surpasses any model of similar structures in the past!

Vertical Clearance  Approximately: 1.75" (code 81 rail head)  23' 4" (160th scale)
Length (end to end)  Approximately: 11 15/32" (over-all)  153'    (160th scale)
Length (shoe- shoe)  Approximately: 11 1/4" (center - center)  150'    (160th scale)